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How To Cut Baseboards With A Miter Saw

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Every room needs baseboards because they fill in the area between the floor and the wall and give a room a lot of character.

You must learn how to use a miter saw properly if you intend to install new baseboards in your home.

We’ll walk you through the procedures necessary to use your miter saw to make accurate cuts in this blog post.

We’ll also offer advice on how to steer clear of DIYers’ usual blunders. Let’s get going!

Why do I need a baseboard, and what is it?

Inside your home, baseboard is the trim that runs down the bottom of the walls. It is one of the finishing touches of a remodel or new home construction and is put over the drywall.

Baseboard can also be referred to as skirting board or just “trim.” It comes in both plain and decorative designs.

Additionally to giving your house personality and design, it shields the underside of your walls from dings, scratches, and other harm.

Additionally, it aids in insulating and heating your house. Without baseboard, chilly air and drafts could enter your home more easily.

What kinds of baseboards are there?

Baseboards come in a wide variety of styles on the market today. Here are a handful of the materials that are frequently used to make baseboards.


The MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) baseboard is the most popular variety. This kind of baseboard is extremely robust and long-lasting. Additionally, it is simple to install and doesn’t call for any specific equipment or expertise.


The PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) baseboard is another well-liked style of baseboard. Baseboards constructed of PVC are made of durable plastic. They are simple to install and very strong. They cost more than MDF baseboards, though.

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Wood or Timber Baseboard

Cut Baseboards With A Miter Saw

You can always go for the wood baseboard if you want a less expensive choice. Baseboards are constructed from a variety of woods, including pine and oak.

They are still highly durable despite not being as sturdy as MDF or PVC baseboards. Additionally simple to install and requiring neither specific tools nor knowledge, wood baseboards are.

Metal baseboard

Aluminum baseboards are the final form of baseboard. Aluminum baseboards are incredibly robust and long-lasting. Additionally, installation is simple. They cost more than MDF and PVC baseboards, though.

It’s time to learn how to cut baseboards now that you are aware of their various forms. Baseboards can be cut in a variety of ways, but the miter saw is the most popular.

Important Equipment Needed To Cut Baseboard With A Miter Saw

Cut Baseboards With A Miter Saw

Using a miter saw, you will require the following equipment to cut baseboards:

  • using a miter saw
  • trim around baseboards
  • tape measure
  • a dust mask
  • table saw
  • A grade
  • Paper Pencil
  • Spectacles or goggles for safety

You can also use a hand saw or a circle saw if you don’t have a miter saw. However, cutting with a miter saw will result in cuts that are cleaner and more exact.

Simple Steps For Cutting Baseboards With A Miter Saw

It’s time to start cutting your baseboards now that you have gathered all the required tools! For consistently perfect outcomes, follow the procedures below.

Safety first in step one

It’s crucial to put your safety glasses on before you begin trimming your baseboards.

This will shield your eyes from any wood chips or sawdust that may fly into them as you work on corner cuts.

Additionally, it is a good idea to wear gloves when working. By doing this, you will shield your hands from the baseboard molding’s sharp edges.

In order to prevent it from getting in the way as you are working with the baseboard, it is also a good idea to tie back long hair if you have it.

Take measurements in Step 2:

The first step is to acquire precise measurements of the space where your baseboards will be installed.

Make careful to note the dimensions of the room’s length, width, inner and outside corners, as well as all other measures.

Measure the baseboard wall’s length with a tape measure or painter’s tape, then mark it with a pencil line or marker.

Step 3: Use miter saws to cut the first piece

Now that the wood has been properly sized, you can begin miter cutting baseboard into board pieces. You’ll need to use a miter saw to accomplish this.

A hand saw or a circular saw blade will work if you don’t have a miter saw, but a miter saw will produce the best results.

When cutting the baseboard, ensure sure the fence is aligned with the mark you drew on the board and that the miter saw blade is at a 45-degree angle.

After that, just insert the board into the blade and let it settle into place.

Step 4: Trim the remaining pieces.

Following the completion of the initial cut, you can use compound miter saws as a guide to cut the remaining baseboard in the same manner. Line up the end of the first molding piece with the blade and place it against the miter saw’s fence.

After that, align the other end of the subsequent piece of trim molding with the miter angle of the saw blade and set it against the first piece of baseboard.

In this manner, cut each baseboard trim molding piece’s inside and outside corners until they are all the proper size.

Install the baseboards in step five.

It’s time to install your baseboards now that they have been cut! Mark the locations where the holes for the nails need to be drilled on the first piece while holding it up against the wall with the molding’s rear bevel facing you.

Next, pre-drill the holes and drive the nails in parallel with each other.

Once you have placed all of the baseboards, repeat this procedure for each piece of trim molding with straight cuts. You may need to make a few minor changes.

Test-fit the baseboards in step six.

You should test-fit your baseboard corners after cutting them before using adhesive or nails.

By doing so, you can make sure that your cuts were precise and that the baseboards you cut to fit flush against the wall.

To fit the baseboards to test:

Baseboards should be cut to size and at the ideal angle using the wall’s length as a guide.

Make sure the baseboards are securely fastened to the wall and that they fit against any door or window frames and any corners.

Trim the baseboards as necessary to achieve the ideal fit.

Remove the baseboards and leave them aside once you are satisfied with the fit.

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To sum up, using a miter saw to cut baseboards can be difficult, but with the correct equipment and methods, it is absolutely possible.

Just keep in mind that for optimal results, take your time, measure twice, and cut once. You can quickly become a proficient cutter with a little practice. Gratitude for reading.